Menopause marks the end of a woman's cycles and fertility. Just like the onset of periods, menopause is also a landmark phase in a woman's life. Menopause can begin during the late 40s or early 50s and can last for a few years. And this phase, just like the first period, is not pleasant in any way. While some women may go through this period without much disturbance, others may have to go through a rough phase. This period could be characterized by hot flashes, insomnia, dryness, moodiness and more.
Here are 7 best natural remedies which can help you get relief from menopausal symptoms. Take a look.
1. Eat calcium and vitamin D foods Hormonal changes during menopause can have some effect on your bones. It exposes you to a great risk of osteoporosis. To prevent this from happening, eat foods rich in calcium and vitamin D. These two nutrients are essential for bone health. Increasing vitamin D intake during menopause can lower the risk of fractures. Include more dairy products in your diet like milk, paneer, yogurt and cheese. You should also increase your intake of kale, collard, broccoli, spinach, tofu, beans, etc. These are all vitamin D rich foods.Hot flashes
Vaginal dryness
Painful sex
Mood swings
Lack of sleep
Hormonal changes
Night sweats
Frequent urination
Changes in periods
This period is when women are more prone to diseases like diabetes, heart problems, osteoporosis and obesity. While most women reach out to doctor for help, some turn to home remedies. In this article, we shall focus on the natural remedies for menopausal symptoms.
2. Aim for a healthy body weight
Weight gain during menopause is normal. It could be due to genetics, age, hormones or lifestyle. Women are more likely to gain belly fat during this time. This could increase the risk of heart diseases and diabetes. Weight gain during menopause can worsen its symptoms. Try to lose weight and aim for a healthy BMI.
3. Eat more fruits and vegetables
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is the best way to ensure that your body gets good nutrition. Fruits and veggies are a great way to stay healthy and lose weight at the same time. All-in-all, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can keep your bones healthy, help you maintain a healthy BMI and keep heart diseases at bay.
4. Avoid foods which trigger menopausal symptoms
Some foods can trigger menopausal symptoms. These symptoms could be night sweats, hot flashes, and mood swings. These foods include alcohol, caffeine and other spicy foods. The symptoms are worse when they are consumed at night. If you feel the same due to any other food, try giving it up for a while and see if the symptoms have reduced.
5. Don't skip meals
It is not just the foods you eat, being regular with meals also matters. Eating regular meals can keep menopausal symptoms in check. If you are not very regular with your meals, symptoms are likely to get worse. It can also hamper weight loss efforts, thereby making situations worse for you.
6. Eat more protein
You are likely to lose lean muscle mass with age. To prevent this from happening, eat proteins regularly. According to a study, eating proteins throughout the day can decrease muscle loss due to age. This form of diet also induces weight loss because it keeps you full for longer and reduces your calorie intake. Over time, it helps you lose weight.
7. Eat foods rich in phytoestrogens
When we say phytoestrogens, we refer to foods which mimic the effects of the female hormone, estrogen. This helps in balancing the hormones. These foods include tofu, tempeh, flaxseeds, sesame seeds and beans. Go for whole foods instead of supplements and processed sources of phytoestrogens. A study revealed that a diet rich in soy lowered the severity of night sweats and hot flashes among menopausal women or those who are entering menopause.
Source - NDTV