- Plan ahead before stepping out for shopping and list down the essential food items. Shop strictly according to the list and never indulge in buying food items that can upset your weight loss program
- You can seek professional advice from nutritionists and dieticians regarding the type and portion size of the food products essential for building a healthy body
- A weight loss diet cannot be totally devoid of fat, but its intake should be strictly maintained as per the guidelines of the dietician. It is always advised to select low-fat food items including a low-fat cooking medium
- Always add raw food items in your cart so that you can cook them according to your dietary requirement and convenience. Never include processed and canned food items to spare yourself from cooking. If time is a constraint, then opt for steam cooked foods and faster cooking modes but never compromise with the quality
- Check the nutritional value and shelf life of every food item that you pick. Look for low carbohydrate, low fat and low cholesterol food items. Food with high fibre content must be included in your shopping list
- Avoid adding readymade pizzas, burgers, colas and other carbonated beverages. Instead, you can opt for pizza breads made of wheat and other whole grains and bake delicious pizzas at home
- Add low-fat dairy products and cheese to your shopping list, but check the nutritional content before buying
- Let your friend or partner, who supports your weight loss regime, accompany you while going out for shopping. They can provide guidance in selecting the right kind of food items that will facilitate to achieve your goal
- Go out for shopping with your stomach full so that you will not crave for a bite of pastry or refresh yourself with a can of carbonated drink
- Consume the purchased food items within the scheduled time period instead of gorging up all the food items in a few days
Plan ahead before stepping out for shopping and list down the essential food items
If time is a constraint, then opt for steam cooked foods and faster cooking modes
Avoid adding readymade pizzas, burgers, colas and other carbonated beverages
Shopping when you are following a body building or weight loss regime requires a reasonable degree of planning and self-control. Shopping malls and stores are flooded with attractive food items mostly of zero or low nutritional value but stuffed with empty calories. These attractive, lip-smacking delicacies are enough to create a mental distraction, diverting you from your goal of achieving a strong and healthy body. Shopping for weight loss does require a better application of common sense and awareness matching your dietary requirements and budget.
Develop healthy eating habits that will drive you in shopping for weight loss, forcing you to think twice before adding any junk food in the shopping cart. People habituated with cooking at home are bound to go for the right kind of shopping for weight loss. They seldom stuff their kitchen cabinets and refrigerators with unhealthy food items thus maintaining the regularity in healthy eating, which is essential for any weight loss program.
Source - Only My Health