How to use your phone correctly

Keep your device at eye level. When using your phone, instead of lowering your head forward, try to keep a neutral spine so that your ears are in line with your shoulders.

Take a break every 20-30 minutes. If you’re going to spend a long period of time working with your device, don't forget to take frequent breaks. Just get up and walk around, or do some neck stretches from time to time.

Always pay attention to your posture. Remind yourself to check the way you're holding your head and correct it as frequently as possible. You'll get used to keeping your chin parallel to the floor with time.

Go hands-free whenever you can. Try to avoid looking down at your device all the time - turn your voice into messages with the help of talk-to-text apps instead of typing and use a Bluetooth headset instead of talking to your friends in an ordinary way.

Use the Text Neck app. This intuitive application will help you detect bad posture that causes neck pain and improve it immediately.

Source- Brightside