It is the season of melons. Muskmelon, honeydew and watermelon are one of the few things that are making summers bearable for us this year round. They are juicy, they are delectable and every nutritionist's favourite too. They are dense in antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients, and are a storehouse of health benefits. From boosting healthy eyesight, regulating blood pressure, increasing blood flow to immunity, melons make for an extremely healthy addition to your diet. They are perhaps one of the oldest fruits known to mankind. According to the book Healing Foods by DK Publishing, "Rich in beta carotene, vitamin C and assorted antioxidants, melons are good for immune support. They also contain potassium, which normalises blood pressure." But as they say, excess of anything is bad. And such stands the case for melons too. Overeating melons could bring about a couple of side effects with them too. Here are some reasons why you must look out for your portion of melons in a day.
5 Side Effects of Melons
1. May Hamper Sugar levels
Diabetes mellitus is a condition characterised by elevated blood sugar(glucose) levels. Macrobiotic Nutritionist and Health Practitioner Shilpa Arora says, excess of melons may not be the best of idea for diabetics. "It can cause sugar overload which could lead to high blood sugar levels." The glycemic index of watermelon is 72, which is high. Cantaloupe has a GI value of 65. Cantaloupe may be 90% water by weight, but still has 9 grams of sugar in it. It is always better to consult a doctor before you consume it on a daily basis.
2. Effect On Gastro-intestinal Tract
According to Ayurveda, certain food combinations may disturb the normal functioning of the gastric fire and upset the balance of doshas in our body. In his book, Ayurvedic Home Remedies, Dr. Vasant Lad makes a suggestion for all kinds of melons, ''eat them alone or leave them alone''. This means they should not be paired with anything. Bangalore-based Nutritionist Dr. Anju Sood also advises against drinking water after eating too many watermelons. She says, "It can affect your gastrointestinal tract. Watermelon is mostly water, sugar and fibre. Microbes or bacteria need water and sugar to develop and expand. So, if you drink water after having watermelons, there are more chances of the microbes spreading across your GI tract."
3. Difficulty In Metabolising
Shilpa tells us, it is not very advisable to binge on watermelons at night. It gets increasingly tough in the evening to burn this simple sugar effectively. The digestive process is slower than usual at night, hence, it is recommended to keep off sugary and acidic foods. Watermelons have a large percentage of natural sugar which may induce weight gain. Besides, eating very sugary or acidic food late in the evening may even hinder your sleep quality.
4. Risk Of Missing Out On Other Essential Macronutrients
Love melons? Great. But make sure you exercise portion control. Eating only melons, may make you too full to load up on foods which are rich in other essential nutrients like healthy fats and proteins. Our body needs all nutrients in certain percentage to sustain and be healthy.
5. May Result in Diarrhoea
Watermelon sure makes for an excellent fruit for its high water content and fibre. But consuming too much of it may pave way for diarrhoea, claim some experts. Watermelon contains sorbitol that is a sugar compound, which in moderate quantity is fine. However, if taken in excess, it is known to encourage loose stools and gas issues.
Therefore, it is imperative to keep an eye on portions. It is one thing to love a fruit, and another to be obsessed by it. So make most of melons while they are in season; a little moderation is all you need.
Source - NDTV