Sure there is a work etiquette manual, and sure we have read it a million times, and yes we know all about not creating office drama Vis a Vis gossip, backstabbing, and latent conspiracies. However there are certain things that you mustn't do even if not overtly warned against them. We give you a list of exactly those things!
1. Be on Social Media
This is where cellphones come in, and also breaks. Don't be logged on your laptop or computer to social media portals unless you want to expedite getting reprimanded. It shows carelessness, and it shows lack of seriousness.
2. Come Into Work Sick
Efficient worker? Supportive teammate? Well, if you are all these things chances are people know it even if they don't acknowledge it, so need to be self-sacrificial by coming into work. Not only will you tire your body but also spread the germs around. Take a sick leave, rest up, and come to work when you aren't sneezing all over your colleagues!
3. Come Drunk
How about just a straight up no for this one? If you are absolutely hungover, how about looking up the point above rather than coming bug-eyed and confused to work? If you have a big day ahead, be the smart person you ought to be and not have a crazy time the night before. Of course you being drunk and out of your mind will be entertaining for your colleagues, but not for your boss. Not at all.
4. Play Loud Music
Always wear headphones, and even if you do, don't put your "peppy" music on maximum volume because noise travels, and how! And yes, don't even try to do anything adjacent to dancing unless it's bobbing your head.
5. Steal
Unless it's your last day in the organization, stealing from your colleagues is not a very good idea, okay maybe not even if it's your last day because you are a good person? This holds true especially if it's stationery because they will most definitely see you using it.
6. Display Aggression
Bad meeting, personal problems, standoff with colleagues -none of these reasons warrant you to show anger in a way that is intimidating to your surroundings. Deal with it like a mature, and don't throw that mouse angrily on the table. Or that keyboard.